Parish Office (Oficina Parroquial)
Hours (Horario)
Monday (Lunes): 5pm - 7:30pm
Tuesday (Martes), Wednesday (Miercoles), Friday (Viernes):
9:30am - 12:30pm
Thursday, (Jueves) Saturday (Sabado), Sunday (Domingo:
CLOSED (Cerrado).

Mass Times (Horario de Misas)
St. Anthony's
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 8:30am
Saturday (Sunday Vigil): 7pm (Spanish)
Sunday: 9am (English)
St. Therese
Wednesday & Friday: 6:30pm
First Fridays: 7pm
Saturday: 5pm (English)
Sunday: 11:30am (Spanish)

Confessions (Confesiones )
St. Anthony (San Antonio)
Thursdays: 7pm - 8pm
Jueves 7pm - 8pm
Or by appointment by calling the Parish Office
(Confesiones también se puede pedir por cita llamando a la oficina)
St. Therese (Santa Teresa)
Thursday from 4pm to 5pm
Jueves de 4pm a 5pm
Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament (Adoration al Santisimo Sacramento)
St. Anthony (San Antonio )
Every Thursday 7pm - 8pm
Jueves de 7pm-8pm
St. Therese
Every Thursday from 4pm to 5pm
Jueves de 4pm to 5pm

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age." (Mt 28: 19 -20)
Following the mandate and invitation of Our Lord Jesus, we continue to spread the Good News!